Counseling Tips for Wilmington NC

How Exactly Does Therapy Help with Issues?

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I recently had a question asked of me and I would like to share the answer here with you. It is a common question that I get about three of four times a year from students and folks interested in counseling. I hope you find the answer helpful.

The question is: “How exactly does therapy help with issues?” Here is my response

Hi, thanks for the question. In addition to being a counselor I am also a professor and I research how counseling works.

I ...

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Counseling Confidential

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There are few people that I love to watch on television more than Anthony Bourdain. He has made a living by exploring how cooking is done; its intricacies, cultural and local flavors, as well as the dirt and grime of the kitchen and those in the restaurant world. I like real things and real understandings and he can pull the veils down, cut through the smoke screens, and shatter the mirrors like no one else.

In 2000, he wrote a book ...

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